
simple-datatables fires its own events which you can listen for by utilising the .on() method:

let dataTable = new DataTable(myTable);

dataTable.on('datatable.XXXX', function(args) {
	// Do something when datatable.XXXX fires


Fires when the table is fully rendered and ready for use.

Fires on page change.

A single argument is available which returns the page number:

dataTable.on('', function(page) {


Fires when the perPage option is changed with the dropdown. A single argument returns the per-page value:

dataTable.on('datatable.perpage', function(perpage) {


Fires when the .refresh() method is called.

Fires on keyup during a search.

Two arguments are available: query which returns the query string entered and matched which returns an array of rows containing the matched string:

dataTable.on('', function(query, matched) {


Fires when user selects a row - either by mouse click on a row or using Space/Enter during keyboard based navigation (requires option [[rowNavigation]]).

Two arguments are available: row which returns the <tr> element that was selected and event which returns the event that caused the selection. You can run event.preventDefault() like this:

dataTable.on("datatable.selectrow", (rowIndex, event) => {

See the row navigation demo for a more complete example.


Fires when the table is sorted.

Two arguments are available when listening for this event: column which returns the column index and direction which returns the sort direction:

dataTable.on('datatable.sort', function(column, direction) {


Fires when the .update() method is called.